Beef Mixed Offal

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$7.50 available on subscription

Secreting organs are the most nutrient dense part of an animal where they have many vital biological functions for life. Meat and bone are lacking in many important nutrients which is why it is highly recommended to feed liver and other organs in a raw diet. Our mixed offal contains 50% liver and 50% kidney.

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Liver – why is it calculated different to all the other organs? One of the most notable differences between liver and other organs is the vitamin A content. Liver is jam packed with vitamin A, while other organs are not. With this, Vitamin A is one of only two vitamins which are possible to overdose on if given in excessive quantities which is why it’s important to balance liver with other secreting organs.

Sold per kilo – Frozen in 1kg bags

Ingredients: Beef kidney and beef liver

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Weight 1.0 kg